You need to use your imagination with this one. Presently it's a collection of japanese fabric folded / cut and pinned to the design wall. The reverse applique calligraphy will say 'peace' when it's finished and there will be sashiko dragon flies to break up that expanse of blue in the top left. I think I'm happy with the shibori dyed pieces but I MAY turn them 90 degrees so the stripes are more like water [ which will of course mean I need to cut new bits ] No... just realised I can't do that because of the orientation of the shiborii stripes in the reverse applique...ah well.
Looking at the photo I'm feeling that it needs to be longer ...have to ponder on that
This quilt is intended to be a companion piece to the one I gave bestest quilting bud Beryl for her 60th. When I have a photo of that I'll post them together for comparison but at the moment I'm working on this one without any reference to the other ... many of the fabrics are identical and for some of them the shape was dictated by the cuts that were left from the first one ... could be interesting later to see where the fabrics ended up. This one is definitely more blue than Beryl's. Her's says 'friend' btw.
The darkish bit pinned to the top right is what is left of the fabric I used to bind the first one. I pinned it up so I wouldn't either a] cut into it or b] put it away and lose it in the Great Wall of Fabric.
Chris and Maz are on their way up from Melbourne so I probably should put some sheets on their bed.
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