Wednesday, August 23, 2006

quilting, goats and another cat photo

Today was quilting day in Castlemaine. Goldfields Quilters are a small group - only 30 of us [ but only about half at any one time ]- but very very friendly. We encompass the whole spectrum of quilting interests and skills - contemporary, innovative, country and traditional. Beginners and experts and everything in between. Good fun
I drop DS David off at his day placement in town around 9 ish and roll up to quilting at 9.30. Three of us dash off for an hour mid morning for our bellydance class, then back till about 3. Sometimes we even manage to get some sewing done. I was working on the reverse applique block for the current japanese quilt and just finished it by the time I had to leave to pick David up again at 3. Then home to try and do something about the poor injured goat.
I managed to pen her up in the small goat shed and Pete-next-door came over and held her down while I tried to wash the wound out a bit. She'll lose the area of cheek that's torn but hopefully all will be well. Not much else I can do when she's not actually mine.

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