Nonna of course was already up here, and Nadie and The Boy arrived at midday with the grandkittens who are staying Chez Catsmum for a week or so. Nadie and Chris had brought all their presents up to put under my tree and after a lavish lunch of soup, lasagne, pork, turkey, prawns, roast veggies, salad and dessert
I can tell that The Boy fits into my family just fine
... all of this detritus:
which was
a whitegold and diamond nose stud
I got the definite impression that Nonna liked her shawl
David scored some new furniture and lots of small things to play with but his absolute favourite present was/is this
and me ?
... do you remember the three new Discworld novels that I scored last week for my birthday ?
well, I now have the next five to add to them. Yahoo! Three from Nadie and The boy and two from David [ needless to say Nadie was responsible for his choices ]
There was also a lovely T2 pack of breakfast, lunch and afternoon teas from #1 son & co
beautiful sterling cat earrings from my friend Karen
heart shaped millifiore earrings from friend Terry
... and a container of congealed, melted chocolate from my sister-in-law who still hasn't worked out after 35 years that chocolate = migraine. .. so I'm an ungrateful wretch. So sue me !
Then after all that, while we were still impersonating a pod of beached post-prandial whales, we had the second sitting so that Nadie and The Boy could head back to the Big Smoke.
which was. of course, when Nonna, David and I settled down for an evening of Carols by Candlelight as whinged about yesterday
So the upshot is that today has felt like Boxing Day
I got up at the usual ungodly hour, fed assorted goats, cats and dog, and then took myself, a cuppa, and a good book out onto the verandah to read in peace and a quiet that was only punctuated by some early birds discussing the whereabouts of the best worms, and the barely audible strains of Christmas carols emanating from the CFA truck which was apparently doing the rounds of the neighborhood. I would imagine it takes a fair bit of community spirit to volunteer to spend the early hours of Christmas Day driving Santa around in a fire truck and handing out sweets.
David put in an appearance and was persuaded back to bed with some breakfast and the promise of Muppet Treasure Island.
MIL didn't surface until Dave got a bit loud around 10.30ish and then she spent several hours parked in front of the live feed of the Midnight Mass from the Vatican.
The day has involved television [all] and knitting [me ] and reading [ also me ] and gardening [ yes, also me ] some sitting outside [all] a short walk [all] and a minimum amount of anything that could remotely be interpreted as housework
all in all a pretty good day even if it didn't feel quite like Christmas day
and to finish:
Extremely Weird and Totally Unexplainable Catsmum Christmas Factoid:
I don't have a favourite Christmas movie. I have never seen It's A Wonderful Life or Miracle on 54th Street, and haven't actually watched a 'Christmas movie' in years. Probably not since the kids got past the Rudolph-the-red-nosed-reindeer stage. Sad but true !
Susan - I'm glad you had such a wonderfully happy family Christmas. It sounds like a very relaxed time altogether, despite having to cook the dinner, of course.
'The boy' sounds like a very happy and welcome addition to the family.
PS: I shall have to stop referring to you-know-who as 'the boy' when I write to you in
Glad it was a peaceful christmas - we had oodles of people and I worked all day being chief cook and hostess - but my guests helped with washing up!
I'm with you on most televised carol shows. I keep protesting because the local carols by cnadlelight are all about entertainers singing, instead of the community singing of the past. I don't go anymore and instead sing carols with the kids.
Merry Christmas!
I'm not much of a fan of holiday films either. Not sure why...
It looks like a very Merry Christmas was had over there and doing it early seems to have agreed with all of you! Enjoy those new books!!!
thought we established it was muppet christmas carol?
Okay, yes, I stand corrected. I DO indeed have a favourite Christmas movie ... Muppet Christmas Carol !
funny, at this very moment my kids are watching 'muppet treasure island'!
It may not be your style at all, but if you want to try a different Christmas movie, get hold of Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather". It's on DVD.
Hi Tamar
haven't read Hogfather yet as I only just got it for Christmas, but I'm pretty sure that the BBC version will get watched at some point - I guess I meant Christmas movie in the classic Hollywood sense. Although as my DD pointed out, there is Muppet Christmas Carol as well ! So there, I do have one and potentially a second Christmas movie to watch !
We have one of those wire-and-bead thingies! They're great fun.
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