I don't know that it would work with the modern laser or ink jet printers - although I'll certainly give it a go - but 'old fashioned' photocopiers that needed toner and so on,
I also half remembered that fresh copies were best, but all I had on hand were some fairly crappy 15 year old photocopies of some family photos.
nothing ventured and so on ...
This is the result of printing one of them onto a page torn from a Hungarian book bought at the Op Shop for 20c.
We have no family connection with Hungary. I just wanted the look of a foreign script on cheap old paper, and in the absence of something suitable in Italian, this fitted the bill rather well I thought.
The rather elegant lady is my late husband's paternal grandmother, the one responsible for my darling daughter's middle name of Antoinette.
The base is a painted canvas, and as well as Antonietta on her page, I've added some vintage lace, stencilled through paper lace serviettes, the inevitable paper serviettes, and more paint.
I rather like how this one has come out.
Things I've learnt :
working with old photocopies and turps is a bit hit and miss at best. Too much ink in the copy, or too much turps, and the whole things smears and dribbles.
Be prepared for failures but rejoice in the ones that work!
By the way this is my new patent-pending cat based yarn tensioning device:
so not impressed Mum
1 degree oh boy how I pineeee for something under 20 even would be nice -not much chance all the way up.I like what you did with the pics that is very effective.Now your cat is cute,my cats don't bother me when I knit it's the 2 indoor dogs (Maltese-shitzu cross & Maltese -s shitzu-Pomeranian) that want o play wool with me
cheers Vickie
Hi Vickie
Bear is a foxy pomeranian maltese cross but thankfully he usually leaves yarn alone
I love it! I think it turned out great! I love the cat shot too. :)
Lovely mixed media work!
Winter's a-comin'!!
that's very clever. I had no idea that was possible. Really beautiful work.
Have you ever used gel medium to pull the image off? It works on both inkjet and copier prints. You put a lot of coats on then when it's dry you soak it in water and roll off the paper and you get a nice see through copy!
Those look great.
Wow, that is so evocative. Like visual poetry.
It was 0 C here last night, but it's almost 16 C already, and we'll be out padding around barefoot today!
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