About a week ago, I happened across a collection of links where
bloggers were sharing photos of their dedicated
workspaces: small and large, organised and ...
umm ... not
and of course, now I can't find it again [ and there was a Mr
Linky and everything ]
but I've decided to share anyway
... which is the biggest joke of all, because I don't have
a dedicated workspace anymore, so much as I have most of a house.
So over the next couple of posts, I thought I'd show you my various 'creative spaces' and also my storage areas, which in this house is not at all the same thing ... and yeah, I know that all the how-to books advocate storing the stuff where you'll be most likely to use it but
my house my rules which pretty much translates to: I stick it where it fits.
you're all most welcome to come on a
Chez Catsmumjust so long as one thing is perfectly clear:
not expect perfect
housekeeperliness. This is a house with cats, dog, dust and occasional goat hair!
I'm a firm believer in that saying about dull women having immaculate houses, and I try very hard not to be a dull woman
so I haven't tidied up for you ... much ... and this really is how it looks for most of the year when not submerged under the Christmas explosion
Organisation of a sort ... yes ... clean? ... mostly ... but tidy? ... not in THIS lifetime, kiddo!
so with that disclaimer out of the way, we'll start at the rumpus room end of the house:
this is where most of the knitting, crochet and sometimes spinning, happens. Also vegging out in front of the
tv and general reading of a craft related nature
The couch:

and I left the protection-from-resident-animals-upside-down-quilt in place for artistic verisimilitude.
There are two wicker baskets and a large hat box under the coffee table which hold
WIPs, UFOs, my sets of KP Options and Harmony
circs and general knitting
paraphenalia, including all that stuff like stitch markers,
sheepie tape measure, needle gauge, sewing needles, scissors, needle protectors, stitch holders and a notepad.
My other needles live in a rusty blue and white tin beside the

and the crochet hooks are in a beautiful little paper covered Japanese tea
canister - also blue - over on the
dvd unit.

Also in the DVD unit are my knitting/crochet pattern collections, magazines and books [ curtains normally closed ]There are severely herniated binders for the vintage baby patterns by company and in more or less date order, and the patterns printed from the
internet are also divided into categories for baby hats, bootees, socks, etc, then baby sweaters and jackets, women's wear, accessories and novelties, toys, technical articles. The sock patterns recently graduated to their own binder.

The yarn stash lives around the corner in the spare, spare bedroom which it shares with
MissC. The Roberta electric spinning wheel and drum carder - recently arrived from
Tassie with Beryl - are still floating around in there, trying to find their proper home. The yarn lives in the cupboard, spinning fibre up the top and that's a double row of shelving and tubs in there folks. I have
very very deep wardrobes

and like I said before organised does not necessarily equal neat
and if anyone finds that site with the
linky to everyone
else's spaces, you will let me know, right ?