Saturday, June 14, 2008

it all becomes clear

I think The Boy has the right of it.
Sophie's secret communication was indeed a cry for help... for reinforcement by her internet comrades.
Her domain has been overun by greycoat invaders from the deep south [ Melbourne ]

Oakley has been absolutely no help at all ... being the scaredy-cat pacifist that he is, he's been far too busy sussing out the route for a run to safety via Underground Railroad

MissC was last seen building ramparts out of my wool storage boxes for a last ditch defense of the spare bedroom and has laid in extra supplies of cat nibbles in case it comes to a siege.

in related news, Sophie seems to have disappeared

and at the same time my bed has developed a strange herniation of the quilt


have they gone yet?

sorry Sophie ... the grandkittens are here for two weeks


Anonymous said...

Sophie darling I will share my bed with you if you really can't cope...
I am sure Mummy would not mind two cats fighting for position around her rear........
After all she does lead a fairly boring life.
She was thinking of your Mummy tonight. She did some Christmas machine embroidery on a face cloth.
Does your Mummy have Christmas face cloths???
Hang in there.....You do have the status and age advantage......
Meows from Mogs.

catsmum said...

Dear Moggie's mum - Mummy has chrissie facecloths in the sense that there is a set of hunter green and/or burgundy ones

Carol said...

Oh Sophie! You are too too cute.

Sheepish Annie said...

Oh dear! The Big, Fluffy Kitty is staging a protest of epic proportions over here. She sees the writing on the wall. She knows that it is only a matter of time before one of those little things comes to live here. She sees Sophie & Co. as being the first warriors in what is to be many future battles for land rights.

She is using big words like Solidarity and Usurper. I didn't even know that she owned a dictionary...