Here in Oz the major craft chain store in the mould of Joanne's or A.C.Moore is Spotlight. The nearest one to me is in Bendigo and yes, I do shop there. Regularly. Maybe not so much for quilt fabrics but for yarn and general crafting supplies and manchester? You betcha.
In the last couple of years they've even moved into publishing a craft magazine, albeit very much at the mass-appeal end of the market.
I've never had any contact with them professionally, so imagine my surprise before xmas when I received phone call and an email asking for an interview and permission to use photos of my sashiko pieces. They weren't asking me to contribute a project which is usually the case, but okay.
Yeah, fine, whatever [ that's me being blase there in case you hadn't worked that out. Is the self-deprecating humour working yet? ]
You never know with a profile article, especially one where the 'interview' has been conducted over the phone. There have been good ones in the past and there have been some completely cringeworthy horrors [ and I still think the absolute best was the one that appeared in the Down Under Quilts 2005 Yearbook ... thanks Erica ]
Anyway, the issue in question has lobbed into the post office box and guess what? It's one of the good ones. One small mistake where the writer perhaps misheard me and batting has become backing, [ which may cause minor confusion ] and some gentle rewordings of what I actually said, but overall NOT TOO DAMN BAD AT ALL. They DO make it sound as though sashiko is the only thing I teach but I can live with that.
For the record though, my most requested class is the designing with japanese fabrics one.
This is the first issue that is going to be released in the States so that's reasonably exciting, n'est-ce pas? [ again with the blase? Why can't I just say it's nice to be given some recognition and be done with it? ]
So that's the news for today.
Yay! congratulations - and it's a lovely photo :)
wooooohoooo! Good to see some recognition! YAY YOU!!
nice!!! You must be thrilled to get a write up AND to be happy with it turning out so well!
Congratulations Susan! ...great article. I could read most of it in the larger version....well done!
Wow!!!!! That is so cool!! And it's going to be released in the states, you say? I must seek that one out...
You pulled off blase rather well, I thought. I'd be a bit more on the "omigod, omigod!!!!" end of the scale. Congratulations on the recognition!!! You've earned it.
Congratulations! How good to be, firstly, sought out for the article, and second, to be quite happy with it! That's great - I second the woooohoooooooooo!
Ooh I do so love to know famous people! Must go and pick up my copy :-)
Yes well I don't know about the 'famous' bit Erica,[ blushing modestly here LOL ] but I stand by the original statement that you have written the best profile of me published so far :]
Yay! I will have to search for this one and hope that I can find it here! Congratulations!!
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