Minus flipping 2 degrees
That's what it was this morning when I [ somewhat reluctantly ] crunched out through the frost to feed the goats and to cut some firewood...
and while it turned into a beautiful clear day [ which pretty much guarantees a similar temperature tonight - especially as it's already down to 5 degrees at 7.30pm ]
I spent most of the day - when not cutting more wood - indoors with David and assorted animals
there was spinning:
and if you'll indulge me in a slight detour ... spinning is supposed to be relaxing and zen-like, isn't it?
Well, can you tell that to my right spinning-appendage, please ?
That hand has a mind of its own. It's convinced that if I don't maintain a stranglehold on the emerging yarn, there'll be some sort of mass escape attempt... small puffs of roving will run for the hills, trailing my nascent yarn behind them. I keep telling it that a death grip isn't necessary, but it doesn't seem to get the message. Maybe it'll listen to you lot.
yesterday's output
and a little knitting:
this is going to be a pseudo- footy jumper for my grandson, and my Aussie friends will no doubt be able to guess that his daddy, just like my late husband, and my grandfather before him, is a Melbourne FC man.
My dear Daughter-in-law follows a certain black-and-white team that we shall not mention [ *cough*collywobble*cough*cough ] but we love her anyway.
improvised hybrid of several patterns because I needed something simple for the Tour de France KAL Time Trials **
BWM Luxury superwash merino 8ply [DK] in Sunrise and Junior Navy
KP Harmony 4.5mm
my evening is going to involve more fibre, the fire
Day 1 review and spoilers here
** I'm in Team Rabobank on Ravelry, along with Bells. Yesterday in honour of the TDF Day 4 time trials, we were challenged to knit like mad for an hour and then post the results. I knew mine would be down a bit because the hand was cramped up from all the spinning but I still managed a respectable 2380 stitches - just shy of 40 a minute.
I maintain a deathgrip on my spinning, too! I hope someone has a suggestion because I have yet to find a way to relax my hands! lol Both my right and left thumbs howl when I spin too much! I knit that way, too!
Have you tried the 'don't kill the birdie' mantra? Something or other I read about when you are spinning, the hand you hold the fibre in, imagine you are holding a small fluffy (or fuzzy as the case may be) bird. If you actually close your hand on it, or pinch too tight, you are going to be killing or hurting the birdie. It's a strange thing to think about, but it actually helped me.
Now you are not wishing us towards 40+ C are you?
Although to my disgust I am aching in the cold now. I used to love the winter.
Do you really need to do endurance races?
Can you not have timer on for change of activity...I know that sounds sensible! Creative souls are not sensible.
A Melbourne Demons fan....just like 'the boy', who must have been smiling last weekend, at long last....lol.
Is it possible to show the steps to spinning? It sounds so fascinating as I do love knitting and crocheting. Which fibers do you use? My friend has llamas and has kept their shaved hair, but she doesn't know what to do with it except to use it for plant mulch!!
blessings and hugs,
Sounds like you found the perfect diversions for the cold weather. We've had a week of made-to-order summer weather. Warm days and cool nights. I'm enjoying it while it's here.
40 stitches is a rather respectable speed!
Lovely spinning. I guess the death grip is working for you! But I would imagine that it doesn't feel good after a day of spinning...
Now I must go mourn the loss of BBC America from my cable lineup. No more Torchwood unless I pay for it. Boooo!!!
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