... for the workmen who will be creating messes all over my house when they finally deign to arrive, and decided to go ahead [ as per the rant yesterday ] and decorate my bedroom, albeit 3 or 4 weeks later than usual.
If I have to dust, wipe, polish and vacuum after they've left, well, so be it. It is after all, a very small room and making a start has made me feel a lot happier.
Not so much grumbling today even though it was 32 degrees [ around 90F ] and A/C would've been welcome ... [ Okay. So there was a
little bit of grumbling. I have the normal complement of human frailties ]
cream bedding changed for more seasonal burgundy [ although cream works just fine too ]

wooden shabby chic angels floating from the netting which has a new burgundy wreath. I just whacked it straight on top of the old wreath which was looking a bit faded and having the two of them up there makes a stronger statement.
We will try to ignore the occasional cracked fragments of burgundy pearlescent coating which fall off the old one and land on the pillows!
The usual stuff on top of the cedar tallboy has been added to, with a Victorian-style angel, a 'crystal' beaded garland and decorated twigs in an Edwardian crystal bottle, and a couple of very cheap and cheerful trees at the back.

The garland of glass 'bobs' hanging from the drawer was a pressie from
Maz a couple of years back

In the opposite corner is my tree - usually the smallest one of many but currently the only one up - crystal, glass, silver and pearl mainly.
I still haven't added the usual collection of silver knitting gauges and ivory needle cases and scissors and such - mainly because they actually do get used and so aren't stored with the Christmas stuff - although there is one tiny pair of silver scissors in there somewhere.

Under the tree, sitting on a piece of vintage crazy patchwork that you can barely see because there's so much stuff on it , are assorted calico [ muslin ] angels and a Victorian Saint Nick in a patchwork coat.
I'll try for a better photo tomorrow.

This year's new additions are the acrylic NOEL, PEACE, and JOY, a gift from my darling daughter when I was recuperating from the recent surgeries:

Like a lot of my favourite special pieces, these came from
Stocks in Castlemaine.

I can highly recommend it as a source of good quality Christmas thingies that are just a little different.
They aren't cheap by any means but I've got to the stage , decorations-wise, where a couple of good pieces a year makes more sense than a huge box of cheap baubles. [ which is not to say that I don't have them too, just that I don't need any more ]

Nadie also bought me the gorgeous little ' night before Christmas' box a couple of years ago ... during the year it houses the decorations for this particular tree
you should probably take notice of the plaid bow on the cat statue.
I say this every year but it bears repeating: if it sits still for more than 5 minutes,
tie a Christmas bow on it! This applies to cats [ real as well as ornamental ] dawgs, chairs, light fittings, goats and visitors if they're over 6' tall !