We [ sock and I ] settled in with David and assorted animals for an evening of Beijing watching, interpersed with whatever looked good on satellite when the Olympic coverage was on anything remotely resembling waterpolo, hockey or basketball [ than which 't'is of more interest to watch cement drying ] and we collectively decided to crawl off to our warm beds after the amazing shock aussie gold medal in the men's 10 metre platform in the wee smalls.
This morning saw us comfortably encouched [a bit like being ensconced but you do it on a sofa ] for the men's marathon
I was engaged in my own personal marathon and was here
then a slight stumble after lunch:
and yes, before anyone asks, I pulled it back and redid
and this
so all that remains is for the socks and I to watch the closing ceremony in all our patriotic glory - or at least that part of it televised before midnight!!
Congratulations! Give that woman a gold medal! (Hope you don't need physio for the RSI?)
Go the green and gold... what a great way to use sport watching time...
PS its quite cold here so I am quite jealous of those yummy warm socks!
Tres chic [to use the official language of the Olympics].
WOW! and i thought finishing a pair of socks in 5 weeks was good going.....
well done - gold medal performance :)
congratulations!! (and how good was the diving!! So cool!)
Congrats! And great socks...
Well done you!!! Absolutely amazing seeing the slow start you had with getting the yarn! Solid gold performance on the socks -- perfect pattern pick!
Matthew Mitcham's performance brought tears to my eyes -- not the first time these Olympics :)
Wonderful! Maybe if I'd been watching the Olympics this year, I'd be getting more done. Who knew?
Those are some pretty fine looking socks you got there! Great job!
Wow! Well done you!
Me, I've been lounging about taking a kid to the dentist for the 4th time (finally found one who could get into his mouth), becoming an auntie (first time that one of my brothers' wives have had a child), and adding a shelf (taking down 3 shelf-loads of books, moving the support track, and adding a 4th shelf, then putting books back).
But I still don't think I could knit a pair of socks that fast!
Alwen, you really do have an interesting definition of "lounging around"
- which brings me to a question - do we Aussies also refer to couches [sofas] as lounge suites because one lounges on them? and is this why we have lounge rooms when Americans tend to have living rooms? Never really thought about it before. Gotta love comparative etymologies.
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