It's Wednesday, which means that this post would normally be another " What's On Your...?"
but, needless to say, I'm still obsessing about the Ravelympics [ and the Olympic figure skating ... how
good were the men in the short program today?!!] so I'm going to 'cheat' a bit.
This week's WOY...?challenge is
What's on your needle[s]?Now it could be knitting needles, it could be the needle in your sewing machine. I don't know... Maybe one of you is a tattoo artist!
and crochet hooks or tatting shuttles are close enough so they count too.
Anyway my Ravelympic campaign continues.
We were told to challenge ourselves, and for some that means a new technique or a specific large project started and finished within the 17 days, but for me - at least for this first week - it is all about finishing the UFOs.
Ms Tara [ of
Mayhem and Chaos fame ] came over yesterday afternoon for a few hours worth of needle action and some belated big birthday celebration [ hers, not mine - more about that later
so she was able to bear witness to the newly completed, and still-damp, state of those Gracenote socks from yesterday's post.
I spent most of her visit working on Riley's footy jumper - and that's what's on
my needles at the moment - but a quick inspection of the boxes under the coffee table while T was here unearthed a nearly finished
Presto Chango that I'd started for him in 2008. It was abandoned when I made the mistake of showing it to #1 son and DIL unfinished and they decided that it was a bit too feminine for their young man.
Cut to me stuffing the remains down the bottom of the basket and doing a major, albeit private, dummy-spit.
Okay back to Tara's visit:
We had a very relaxed, coffee-fueled and woolly few hours.
Once Tara wended her way homewards, I decided to just get on with finishing that Presto Chango, and by about 11pm it was all done, buttons and all.

and so another one bites the dust!!
and someone will need it eventually
* Tara's pressie was a crocheted then felted [ or fulled if we're being technical ] yarntainer and some beige cashmere for her spinning fibre stash.
Last week I didn't really want to document making the felted thingy in case I blew the surprise.
So here 't'is:
Crocheted to my own pattern in vintage 12ply Aztec [ pure wool singles ] which was originally a very saturated bright orange/ red, overdyed with Sarsarilla and Wild Rasberry. 6mm hook.
This is what it looked like before its date with the washing machine

[ yes you
can felt in a front loader ]
and later at a fraction of the original size:

and being christened with Tara's Ravelympics project... which she would tell you about except her internet access is kafluey at the moment.
and now I'm going back to watch the replay of the Men's Singles Figure Skating courtesy of the satellite.