She's been cracking the whip and keeping me incredibly busy [ in a taking it easy kind of way ] to the point where I've either had no time to post or just been too tired at the end of the day.
There has been lots of patchwork, some shopping which may possibly have involved a couple of quilt shops [ Village Patch, Maldon and Honeysuckle, Bendigo ] and S*******t [ souless big box craft store also in Bendigo ] several visits to The Coffee Bean - both with David and just by ourselves - much morning and/or afternoon tea / supper consumed over and above the normal intake ... and no, if you don't mind, we won't discuss what that, coupled with a complete lack of exercise, has done to what used to be my waist.
Wednesday, which was going to be a 'left to cope all on my own' day, changed tone completely thanks to an early morning phone call from
Bear spent most of the visit barking madly at poor Richard but was forgiven.
Then friend Corrie came up on the train on Thursday to catch up with us both, so we spent a glorious day of patchwork, chat and classical music followed by dinner at Saff's Cafe [ always good ] finishing just in time to drop the girl back to the station for her return trip ... all sadly unrecorded for posterity except for one poorly framed and slightly fuzzy pic which wouldn't really enhance your enjoyment of the blog.
Yesterday was spent sewing again and more of the same today interspersed with yet another trip into town in order to conduct a [largely fruitless] search for something Ms B needed at the Restorer's Barn and yet another stop at the Bean.
... and backing up a bit ... the OTHER thing that happened on Wednesday ? an unfamiliar car in the drive provoked Bear into a paroxysm of barking, after which it was revealed to contain Pete-formerly-next-door's daughter Narelle [ local florist ] with :
a pressie from my lovely Purl's Princesses who felt sorry for me that I had to miss our monthly knitting day.
MissC approves
and yes once again I have to admit to being a spoilt brat :]
And deservedly so, my dear - what goes around, comes around, y'know!
Ohhh, that's pretty! I love those pink things, and now it's going to drive me crazy until I remember what they are called.
Alwen those 'pink things' are proteas [ can't have you going crazy now can we ? ]
Your R&R sounds very blessed!
Gorgeous flowers!
You sound so very well and I am very happy to hear it....your flowers are beautiful and I know being such a kind person is why your friends stop by to visit. Your week sounded wonderful Susan and you deserve to be spoied... enjoy it......:-) Hugs
Bear is forgiven! We know he loves We enjoyed our visit to 'Purl's Palace' on Friday too.....and we were told that you were sorely missed.
What a lovely 'relaxing' week you have had with lovely friends and family.
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady.
all sounds wonderful, and good to see evidence that you are doing much better, no way you would have been up for all that a week ago!
very pretty.....had phone call and heard of visit.
Funny how recovery seems to involve the purchase of fabric.
I have one more bundle to arrive.....the important one.
Have been equally undilligent about blogging....maybe one has to be in full health to undertake same.
At least my mouse now works....not only when I am on the phone...which was weird...and so does the TV, on the puter.
Maybe tomorrow I work. Did eat a meal at the dining room table today...major milestone, not something I like doing alone but cleared up papers etc while I ate.
Those protea should dry well. I used to have them in brown Bendigo Pottery containers.
Awwww . . . what beautiful flowers!
You sound like you are doing well and being well cared for by good friends. I think I agree with what Marcie said...
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