Once again I've been caught up in that weird blogworld contradiction of having a frantically busy week and so much to blog about - but - no time to actually do it
the weather has been mostly gorgeous and that means being outside lugging dirt and rocks for new garden beds

and planting stuff and weeding and so on
and I have to confess after that 'frantically busy' comment up there that there
WAS also some time for just sitting in the sun with a cup of chai, assorted animals and just imbibing the peace and quiet and the birdsong ...
... which was far preferable to sitting inside on the computer and blogging about it, so I'm sure that you'll all understand and forgive me
In between bouts of gardening, there was time for a trip across to Daylesford with Jeanette for Purl's Princesses, our monthly knitting group on Tuesday, combined with the weekly lugging of the quilt stand, raffle quilt, money tin and tickets over to the IGA and back again.
Wednesday saw me slogging about on the back 5 acres with my friend Denise and her ever-so-obliging-husband, Steve. He had been 'volunteered' and came armed with chainsaw. The aim being to cut down enough good wood to last out this winter [ and yes, I do know that it is now technically Spring but we can still get frosts until October so a fire 24/7 is pretty much mandatory ]
Steve dropped and chopped 'em and Denise and I were in charge of carrying and stacking in the ute and then unloading and stacking in the carport.

Thursday morning I could barely move but at least I was warm!!!
Later that day, Corrie - she who spoils me with opera tickets - arrived by train from Melbourne.
Now you have to understand that I love Corrie to bits but the one place where we part company is that she is so definitely NOT an animal person. It's a measure of our relationship that she is still willing to come up here with goats and cats and goodness knows what else but I'm afraid the Bearminator was just toooooo much ... especially as he wanted to bounce all over her. So Mr Bear had a little sleepover with Misty and Mollie next door. No harm no foul.
David was going out with his social club and I told Corrie that I would normally be heading out to singing group after dinner, making it clear that I was more than okay with missing it for the night, but she was up for that, so off we went, and she had an absolute ball.
Yesterday she shouted me to lunch at
Maldon, a tiny, gorgeous, touristy-time-warp hamlet not far from here and some retail therapy until it was time to drop her back to the station and to collect David.
There has been
some housework, a dance class or two, some work on the current quilt, and of course some knitting and crochet in front of the fire at night:
scarf for nadie requested to match the wristwarmers

that I just realised you haven't seen either so here they are as well [ made sometime in August ]
both are variations of my garter lace mittens pattern which is over there in the sidebar

then this wee hat in unidentified baby yarn for donation or to the next person who has a girl child

and crochet booties

to match a baby beret that I also seem to have forgotten to show you - there was a flurry of small stuff done in the first week of the Olympics while I waited for the green and gold yarn to arrive and it seems to have slipped under the radar.
anyway the upshot is that I'm sure you understand why I had so little time for blogging this week and why some of this post is a bit light on for details?