Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Happy mail, spinning and a pain in the proverbial

I've already been the recipient of Nora's largesse when this gorgeous ball of Opal lobbed into the Post Office Box

Quilting wise, I'm playing with something very new that you can't see yet, and the Challenge quilt looks much the same as when you saw it last.
Knitting wise, I'm making this but out of a purple /blue yarn. First side done, second side started at the Drs during my one hour wait. Yes. I know I'm so close to finishing

Now the rest of this post is of a medical nature and probably very boring so feel free to surf on:
I've just had a VERY interesting visit with my GP. Those of you who've known me for a while are aware that I've had periodic episodes of spinal ''difficulties' with the L4/L5 ever since falling down a flight of stairs while I was preggers with dave [ so 29 years ago nearly ] but nothing really major recently. Right? Okay. Well about 3 months ago, I sat down hard on the gravel slope between the house and the shed and my coccyx has been letting me know about it ever since. Only when I sit or get up mind you ... but REALLY unhappy. Maybe it was just getting jealous of all the attention L4 & L5 used to get. Who knows?
Anyhoo, our relationship is not good at this point. I keep telling the base of my spine it's a pain in the bum ... and it really doesn't have an adequate comeback for that.
Dr thought it would settle down. It didn't. So last week I had x-rays done and today was the follow up. No evidence of a dislocation or similar ... but what DID show up was a very old CLEAN BREAK right through the coccyx that had never been picked up on because presumeably everyone was focusing higher up on the known damage to L4 and L5. You tell an x-ray technician to do a lumbar series and of course that's what they'll do. As no-one thought to order a full set........... I got to limp around with a broken bum. As you can imagine, the being pregnant part of it meant no x-rays, no pain killers, no anti-inflams. For five bloody months. No wonder David's delivery was so bloody painful.
So there we are. The recent fall hasn't rebroken it or anything, just made it unhappy. We're going to try acupuncture.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I'm ba-aaack :] and another free wristwarmer / mitten pattern
I haven't been completely idle despite the absolutely stinking hot weather, so here's the latest of the current lot of totally-out-of-season wristwarmers. Nice, simple garter stitch but with a little bit of lace for interest. They are actually a much deeper jade than the photo shows... and just in case you are interested in how such things spring into being: the pattern is my take on one that has been used since time immemorial to make umpteen gazillion covered coathangers for every fete, fair and street stall that ever was. I see possibilities for wristwarmers in all sorts of places at the moment it seems, and when Maz sent me the pattern for the coathangers, after I'd cranked out a few, it just seemed logical to work out how to put that lace bit on both ends of a wider strip of garter stitching. The other thought that occurs is ... this pattern is basically reversible so it SHOULD make a neat scarf pattern. I'd probably cast on around half as many stitches and go up a couple of sizes on the needles to make the garter stitch a little lacier. If you try it, drop me a line and a photo, ok?
[1]50gram ball of Heirloom 5-ply pure wool [ any sockweight should work ]
1 pair 4mm / US size 5 /UK size 8 needles
gauge: 23 - 24 stitches to 4" over garter stitch
Cast on 48 stitches [ or about 38 for a shorter pair ]
Row1: k to last 4 stitches, YO, k2tog,YO,k2
Rows 2-7 * repeat row 1 a further 6 times
Row 8: cast off [ bind off] 4 stitches, k to last 4 stitches, YO, k2tog, YO, k2
Row 9: repeat row 8*
Repeat rows 2-9 until you have 9 points on each side of the garter stitch strip or number necessary to fit around wrist, ending with row 8.
Cast off remaining stitches.
Sew side seam from base of the point for about 1 3/8", leave 2" or a little less unseamed for the thumb hole, and sew remainder of seam to the base of the [other end] point. Of course you can make the short seam even shorter if you don't want the lacy bit to come so far up the fingers.
and of course:
this pattern is copyright 2007 S.Iacuone for personal and charity use only.
For any other use please contact me.
Knew you'd do the right thing :]
Gratuitous cute cat photo: Suki[ko]
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Technical difficulties, please stand by
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I mozzed myself
Today as I stepped out the back door, a snake wriggled between me and the doorstep. ERK
Before you all panic, it was about 12" long , pencil slim and only interested in getting away from me.
I looked it up on the Museum of Victoria site and it seems to be a red-naped snake. [ except that this isn't supposed to be their territory ... more to the northeast] and yes they are venomous but then all aussie snakes are. One site labelled them dangerous, the other said that they rarely pose a problem for adults.
It was actually the second reptilian visitor of the day but the other was much cuter... a very fine boned, incredibly fast m
Now getting back to Thursdays post:
Robyn and I decided to have a girlie day before she starts back at Uni, so...
we started with coffee and then a visit to the local library where the
monks from Drati Khangtsen in Tibet were creating a sand mandala.
Still, despite the heat, and the whinge about the pattern, a lovely day was had.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Bits and Bob
and finally I just had to share last night's sunset with you. I was inside and the whole front of the house [ facing more or less East ] seemed bathed in deep golden pink, so I went out and looked back over the roof towards the West and saw THIS :
Sunday, February 11, 2007
just call me Noah
Skies were blue, clouds were fluffy white and then THIS
So no need to get excited yet. I go back to painting the en-suite and even when I have to put the light on, even though it's only about 4pm, I really don't give it too much thought until the lights flicker out.
About ten seconds later and someone has started firing off a canon. No wait ... that's rain on the tin roof. I'd kinda forgotten what that sounds like...
It's POURING down. Where are those directions for building an Ark when I need them ? Okay... two of every kind? I've got two cats... check... two goats...check...
Putting the ark idea on hold, I then wade out to unblock the storm water drain that feeds down to the dam cos all that lovely wet stuff is running off down to the road. As I stand there getting drenched through to the undies, lightening and thunder go off simultaneously overhead and I speedily come to the conclusion that standing outdoors holding a large lump of metal in the form of a shovel isn't the brightest thing to be doing in the middle of a thunderstorm.
About this time Rosie and Robyn chime in to let me know that they are cut off from their shed by the rising tide and being the fussy little madams that they are, don't want to get their feet wet, so as I go back inside, accompanied by the sound of complaining goat, I find Rosie perched somewhat precariously on the back doorstep [ as in literally ON the one-brick-wide doorstep ] while Robyn has taken refuge at the other end of the house and climbed onto my bedroom windowsill.
My bedroom smells like a wet goat which is marginally better than wet dog.
You can see the goat paddock cunningly disguised as a lake of silty water and floating goat poo behind Robyn. I don't particularly blame the pair of them for wanting to stay high if not exactly dry.
I was going to show you a photo of all the shit [ literally] that ended up in the dam but it's just too gross. Thank God I don't have to rely on that for washing or drinking.
But I no complain ... oh no ... rain is GOOD
Saturday, February 10, 2007
catch up
My normal class should've finished at 12 but was running 20 minutes behind. No matter. I had to go. I raced back home, shed some of the glittery trappings, grabbed a large suitcase of quilts and headed for Maryborough [ 40 minute drive ] trying NOT to exceed the 100 kph speed limit while still arriving by 1 pm ... which I did ... just.
This meeting was in the order of a meet-and-greet for the ladies who will be involved in our arts access project for the next 6 months. The gallery officer welcomed me and talked about the project. I showed them some of my stuff... and talked about the project,
Jenny Bacon, quilter and health professional showed her quilts... and talked about the project... and then we answered questions and had afternoon tea. I had to cut that short and jump in the car because of the need to be back in town to pick up David at 3 ... which I almost managed.
Luckily the rest of the day was a lot calmer.
Thursday, Friday and today have been fairly unremarkeable.
the Lotus Blossum tank top from Interweave Knits summer 2006 in 8ply [dk] cotton from Bendigo Woolen Mills in a plummy almost pink. I started out doing it as per the pattern and decided that the pattern required more concentration than I want to give it at the moment, so I frogged it and started again. This time round I'm doing the body of it in good old feather and fan which can be done without putting the brain into gear, while reading or watching the teev. It's really the SHAPING of the garment I'm attracted to anyway. So far I've only done a couple of inches so I haven't photographed it yet.
Just finished Bellydancing for Beginners , a novel by Liz Byrski. Really good except for the contrived cop-out last page. Such a shame. It almost ruined an otherwise fabulous read.
Also just finished Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher. #8 in the Dresden Files and just as good as the previous ones. I wonder if we'll ever get the Dresden Files tv show here?
Torchwood DVDs
finished objects so far in 07 :
cotton polo for Riley
pr socks also for Riley
premmie hats for donation [5]
pairs of wristwarmers [5]
covered coathangers [4] and yes I know they're daggy but the clothes DO hang better
sashiko cushion
and so far these are all from my stash!!
and in the "Weird but True File" we have the dietary quirks of my goats. Apart from the fact that they managed to eat a complete 20 gallon plastic tub, Rosie will eat celery and banana skins, Robyn won't. Both love carrots but Robyn won't eat them straight from the fridge and has discovered a liking for Nadie's leftover rice milk which Rosie won't touch. They both eat roses, thorns and all, but only Rosie will eat holly leaves... AND they necessitated the replacement of every fly wire screen that they could reach [ all the bedrooms basically ] because they bloody ate them too!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
and we had fun fun fun till Daddy took the T-bird
Friday, February 02, 2007
the REAL challenge ...
Okay, forget I said anything. I think I just figured out WHY I was a little limp dishrag on Wednesday and Thursday. Sometimes I'm just a bit slow figuring these things out At least there was no bellydance class on Wednesday because I don't think I would've had the ooomph to get there, let alone dance.
Still, I've managed a little bit of activity on the Challenge each morning this week
We're getting into the fine tuning stage so some of the tweaking is pretty subtle. For example: I decided that the seam between the watery jade shibori and the geisha print was still too definite even though most of it will be covered by flowers. So I cut a bit off the shibori and pieced in a strip of dark jade moire chintz. You will barely be able to see it in the finished piece but the transition is smoother. Also I removed the hand dyed spacer next to the bottom carp and replaced it with the carp print.
A narrow strip of the jade moire chintz went into the left border as well. Repetition, repetition, repetition.
Have I mentioned yet that I'm piecing this on my 1951 Centenary model Singer Featherweight 221K1?
Just so that you know just how much of a challenge this was ...
Oh, and just so you know ... DD has decided to celebrate her impending quarter century by getting a tattoo. The deed was done yesterday and the evidence for anyone so inclined is here