The ground rules are that we have to use two fabrics [ one of which I hate, loathe and detest so it's a REAL challenge ] in a piece no bigger than 1 metre in any direction [ mine wanted to be bigger but I've restrained myself ]. No themes given, just the two rather incompatible fabrics.
So here's where I was a week or so ago:
I really wasn't happy with it ... too bitty, too fussy, too ... God only knows ... but I wasn't happy.
So first, I changed the positioning of the lightest carp. Better. Then, I put some of the hand dyed blue between the japanese lady and the top border to break up the fussiness. That helped too.
This morning I realised that one of the things that was throwing me off was that the geisha was printed off-grain. I'd cut the piece on-grain so she looked tipsy.
I had more of the print, so I just cut an alternate piece. I'll just have to be a bit more careful piecing her in.
The other change was to remove the brighter orange from the left border, although I retained it on the right.
Once it was done I realised that it couldn't go in that position [ not that it really GOES in any position ] so I swapped it and the redder one.
Maybe I could make a 3D detachable waterlilly leaf to cover him up later?
I think that I'll probably extend the applique flowers a bit more to the right to soften the seam between the watery shibori, the redder carp, and the geisha piece.
It never ceases to amaze me just how much difference a small change [ or in this case, quite a few small changes ] can make to the success of a piece.
Stay tuned for further tweaking. Same bat time, same bat channel.