Wasted effort people! Wasted!
Really, all you needed to do was catch some kind of gastric flu bug, suffer the MUTHAH of all migraines for 5 or 6 days with a side of throwing up your toes, and other bodily functions that I'll choose not to dwell on here.
No solid food at all for about 96 hours,
and you too can - with no monetary outlay AT ALL
- do a very convincing impersonation of one of the living dead
yes I'm feeling much better
still light headed and wobbly
the house is slowly disappearing under a layer of suitably post-apocalyptic dust and detritus
but at least I'm in no longer in any immediate danger of being chased by angry villagers with pitchforks
and because you don't need the visual
here's some more wedding pix:

lovely pics proud Mum.
Hope that body responds well. Are we getting older or something?? LOL.
Take care.
I used to get mega migraines after something that important. would get through it then fall into shocking heap. Have you seen Doc?
Friend who had to dress me on Sunday and take me to hospital has a SIL who has bought in Castlemaine...so when they come up I shall try to arrange to be able to see you....if it will work out at the time.
There's a nasty stomach bug making the rounds here. People are sick for days and then weak and sore. Living dead sums it up really well.
Nadie looks so beautiful and so happy.
The wedding pix are lovely! But I am so very sorry that you had to do your undead impression afterward. How horrible! And I'm not just saying that because I worry about the undead invasion...
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