David has stopped throwing up everything in sight, has managed a couple of small, bland meals [ if two wheet-bix, and two slices of toast-and-a-scrape-of-vegemite can be called meals ]
He's managed to stay out of bed all day too [ armchair, a blanket, tellie and the fire ] so we are cautiously optimistic, although he'll be staying home tomorrow just to be sure.
This gastro has landed several locals in hospital, including at least one of David's mates, so call me an overprotective mum if you like but I'm taking no chances.
The Doctor visit this arvo has resulted in an immediate appointment with the Opthalmology Clinic up in Bendy tomorrow, so I had to call in some favours with HACCS at the Shire to get Carer coverage on such short notice, but they were pretty good about it and rearranged rosters to free up David's preferred Carer [ps this NEVER happens!!! ]
Given that I'll have those lovely drops in, and we don't have a clue about the time frame, the ever thoughtful Tara has suggested that I park at hers, she'll run me to the Clinic and wait-with-travel-knitting, and then I can visit Chez FiestyWench until the drops wear off enough to drive home 50 km in safety.
I haz gooood frenz :)
I have to say the flickering actinic flashes are quite unnerving ... but not enough to stop me from:
this is Brangian, which has been in my queue ever since Bells blogged about hers. Seeing it up close and personal a couple of weeks ago at the Wool & Sheep show just served to totally reinforce that desire.
Not that this is anything like Bell's delicate cashmere version. Ooooh no!
This is a solid, sturdy, 8ply [DK ] Brangian which will keep me warm if I ever again get stuck for an extended period in a b****y freezing bus terminal.
yarn: BWM Luxury 8ply cream, dyed in a mix of Landscapes Barossa and Currawong. The yarn for the border was dyed only with Currawong [black ] and I really love that subtle change.
Modifications: 3 repeats of unchart 2, 1 of unchart 3.
Loved doing this even with the added distraction of the flashing lights, and would certainly do it again
July 29 - August 2
the Merino/ Soy [80/20] that I bought from lovely Mandie of EGMTK at the Wool & Sheep Show. This stuff is lush, shiny, soft ... I'm loving it. probably going to end up as a 2ply about sport weight
[ which we Aussies call 5ply, so a 2ply 5ply ? meh ... bit too confusing
I'll just stick to calling it sport ]
coming along quite nicely I think
Happy blogiversary :D
Looking forward to seeing that quilt all finished...it's looking gorgeous
so glad to see evidence of quilting still on the scene.
Makes me really feel my age when I feel this aversion to going back to knitting. Crochet I can cope with a little better but oh that knitting that I did, all the time, everywhere and now I do not even wear wool......except maybe in those lacy light concoctions you are so clever with.
happy blogthday!
hope D is better tomorrow and things go well with your appointment too.
The shawl is lovely - its so nice to have a sturdy yet soft thick shawl.
you turned 4 this year too!!
I love your brangian! It's gorgeous. 8ply luxury is a great choice - and the dye job! Stunning!
Happy Blogiversary!
The wedding quilt is coming along beautifully (as if you would do anything else!)
I admired bells' brannigan as well. It's a pretty piece.
I'm glad Dave is feeling better. Those things can make you feel so awful. And good luck with the eye appointment. Crossed fingers here for something easy to deal with.
Happy blogiversary, and congratulations on your blogging dedication, I know how hard it can be to sustain. The wedding quilt looks promising indeed.
And good luck with the eye doc tomorrow.
Glad David is feeling better and you relieved as a consequence.
I hope tomorrow's visit goes well and that the eye problem isn't serious and clears up soon.
Meanwhile your knitting continues to blow my mind....amazing!
A very, very happy blogiversary! Your shawl is exquisite, now I want to make one as well.
Happy Blogiversary indeed! I am still awed by your magnificent quilts and by the speed and beauty of your knitting.
Very glad to hear that David is better and hoping hard that your "actinic flashes" disappear soon with no bad results.
So good to hear that David is on the mend, gastro is an awful thing to have. Grated green apple is good to eat too which stops the other end going all the time too. I hope your feeling better and those flashes arent anything serious. Your shawl looks beautiful, and looks a lot of work too.
Happy Blogiversary! So sorry to hear that you and David have been unwell, though. Thinking good thoughts for everyone's ongoing recoveries. And I love that shawl. I couldn't do that without flickering actinic flashes...
Glad people are feeling better. I used to know one woman whose migraines only ever showed up as visual problems. Hope yours are easily solved.
Your brangian looks really good. I love those colours. I've done one fine fingering 50/50 from Ailsa at Knitabulous and another in one of her laceweights. It's a beautiful pattern.
Susan, I just saw your comment on my Brandywine II. As i said, the Melody is lovely to knit with, but it's probably better for something for the newest grandson, rather than a shawl. i have some green and black yet t use.. Possibly hats or scarves as there's not enough for anything larger.
The 8 ply Brandywine is about the same size as the first done in fingering and I thought it would be larger with thicker wool and bigger needles.
Such gorgeous things, as always. I love the quilt and Brangian in almost-purrrrrple.
Glad to hear you and David are doing better. I'm nearsighted and the optometrist always warns me about all the things that can happen to my eyes.
Is it too late to say "happy blogiversary"? ;-)
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