I found these at a local gallery a couple of years ago and even at the 'after Christmas' reduced price they were still $12 EACH.
They're carved from some kind of Western Australian bottlebrush...
and in case you're not up to snuff on 'Aussie Animals 101', they are [ from the top ]
koala and kookaburra [ no koalas but heaps of caroling kookas ]
A playpus? A bit more friendly and less than shy than the more well-known platypus?
ok so it was a typo - all fixed now!
Wonderful! Do you think there might be a Christmas Bilby to go with the Easter Bilby? And could they be in chocolate with a dash of liqueur too - or am I being too hard to please?
Blessings, bliss and the joy of Christmas
chocolate christmas bilby [ it'd have to be white choc for me tho - migraines ]
anyone know any enterprising boutique chocolatiers???
that echidna is awesome, I want one!
Oh they are so great! I was contemplating this very issue recently when buying my first ever decorations. I figured you'd be able to get some but had no idea where. Good choices!
Those are fabulous!!! And worth the price if they have meaning for you. I guess I never thought about how hard it might be for find things for an Aussie Christmas...great discovery!
Yes! my complaint exactly. We Aussies don't really do too well on the Xmas decoration design, do we? I think you are right. It's the cost factor.
I love the cat tree!
The dash of liqueur idea would suit me in any form of decorative glass or chocolate shape. LOL
Lovely. I'm enjoying your decorations. You've also brought back happy memories of a song I learned in the first grade:
"Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra
Laugh kookaburra
Something something something"
that last line is
"Gay your life must be"
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