Happy first day of Spring to all of you in the southern hemisphere. 
Mother Nature turned on a beautiful day to celebrate too:
Mother Nature turned on a beautiful day to celebrate too:
ETA: She obviously felt the need to remind me not to be cocky; that I live in Castlemaine, so she turned on a 1 degree overnight low... and just for the record, yesterday's low had a minus in front of it.
In other happenings, I'm :
In other happenings, I'm :
Getting to know - my new 3G phone. No more reliable old CDMA so now I have one that takes photos and video and all that stuff that the kids have had for ages and I haven't missed. Can't say I'm exactly loving it yet.
Gardening - pulling weeds. Lot and lots of weeds.
Reading- Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel
Knitting- more things for little people. Bootees, bonnets, beanies and mittens This post is turning out a bit picture heavy so maybe I'll save the bubby knitting for later but trust me , it's very cute.
Quilting- the Maryborough project is finally finished [ my brain is still processing - Blog soon - promise ] so I've finally made a start on the quilt for the Johnston Collection It needs to be finished this month so I'll have to get my skates on. Doesn't help that I'm not at all enthusiastic about it. maybe once I get into it.
About 60 local craftspeople have been dragooned into making non-christmassy christmas decorations which have to be inspired by articles in the collection. The fussy yellow bedroom that our quilt group has been assigned basically leaves me stone cold but there were some nice pieces in there if you ignored the overall effect. Naturally I gravitated towards this japanese vase
and I'm using the triangle border and the greek key pattern under it [ which unfortunately doesn't show in this photo except as a band of green so you'll have to trust me that it's there... in black and green. ]
Anyhoo, here's the start I've made.
Reading- Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel
Knitting- more things for little people. Bootees, bonnets, beanies and mittens This post is turning out a bit picture heavy so maybe I'll save the bubby knitting for later but trust me , it's very cute.
Quilting- the Maryborough project is finally finished [ my brain is still processing - Blog soon - promise ] so I've finally made a start on the quilt for the Johnston Collection It needs to be finished this month so I'll have to get my skates on. Doesn't help that I'm not at all enthusiastic about it. maybe once I get into it.
About 60 local craftspeople have been dragooned into making non-christmassy christmas decorations which have to be inspired by articles in the collection. The fussy yellow bedroom that our quilt group has been assigned basically leaves me stone cold but there were some nice pieces in there if you ignored the overall effect. Naturally I gravitated towards this japanese vase
Anyhoo, here's the start I've made.
In other much more important news, the Rosie kid-watch is counting down - 8 more days to go. I'm starting to get very nervous about my ability to help deliver little things with four legs and hooves... and names... I need names... beginning with R like their mum ... so far it's Ruby if we get a doe, Rhett [ Butler. Butt-ler, geddit?] for a boy but what if it's two girls or two boys? Can't be Roberta or Robert because I've already got Robbyn ... I've already looked up the baby names lists on the net and I have to say that most of the R names either don't appeal, or they're too long, or they already belong to family members who may not want to be immortalised as a goat's moniker...Renata? Riley? Actually, I think Riley would be a GREAT name for a goat of either sex but I doubt that Stephen and Christina would see it my way. Suggestions please. 
Oakley sez: No way could she get away with doing this to Sophie or Caramel. Still, I think red IS my colour... and the style IS quite fetching.
Well, it may not be your favourite colour/style/design but the vase/museum artifact thing is a great idea for a challenge. I really like the fabrics you have picked.
Hmmm..."R" names. I had a rat named Romeo RaTsputin once upon a time. But I'm not sure that rat names are all that helpful, here.
Oakly is such a good sport! I would have one shredded bootie if I tried something like that. But the color is certainly a good one on him, that's for sure!
I had a quick google for girls names beginning with "R" and some are hard to get your tongue around.... I have Raquel, Rachel, Rebecca, Renee, and one aboriginal Rata (means The name of a great chief) Why dont you start another string of names starting with an "S" after yourself - there are a lot more names to choose from.... Anyway, how about these for a boy goat.. Ramsey, Rawley, Rafael, Radcliffe...or simpler Ringo (apparently it's Japanese), Rocky, Ronnie.
can't resist the name challenge - how about Raelene, a good old Aussie name, or Rita, Ruth,or Rhonda. For a boy I favour Ralph - Raelene & Ralph has a ring to it, don't you think? or Rex,Ramon (seems to go with Rita) even Reggie.
Raelene? Rita? Ruth or Rhonda ?
Ummm...err...that would be a noooooooooo
Ramsey would be good if it was a sheep dont you think?
Romeo would be good for a breeding buck but any boys we get will be wethered so maybe not.
Well, I was going to suggest Randy (which is clearly the perfect name for a boy goat) but if he is not going to breed then that would be too mean for words...How about Reggie? or Roy?
Ricky? Rocky? Rihanna? Reyna? We've been trying to come up with baby names for the Grand-lemming but so far keep running up against the Other Grandmother and her "opinions."
Good Oakley! He looks so delightful with a mitten on his pretty paw, and that IS his color!
How about Rhyll for a boy? Would say Rosa or Roseline (Ross's drag names) but you probably don't want anything too close to Rosie
May I throw in Reece (or Rhys)?
Oh Susan
I didn't know your cats wore mittens too.. I am still laughing at the cat in a jacket!!! my kids think I am MAD sitting here laughing at your puss puss!!! HOW tell me, HOW you can do this? my cat, well I'd need asbestos gloves, goggles and some other protection.. ear muffs too, cause he'd be crying up a storm! You must drug these cats, I am convinced of it! Red is his colour tho :O)
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