Most of the native flowers [ other than the ubiquitous wattle ]
on my bush block are tiny and easy to miss, but worth the effort taken to seek them out.
Sun Orchid [ about 3/4" across ] has no leaves .
Scented Sundew. I showed this carniverous plant a couple of weeks ago before it flowered. now there are
hundreds thousands of them.
Early Nancy [ about 1/4" across ] This one is REALLY hard to find as there are only a few of them spread over the 10 acres and they bloom for about 2 weeks of the year. Last year I missed them completely. This one is a male flower and the female is similar with a slightly different centre and often only a single bloom. Apparently they occasionally throw up a hermaphroditic form as well. Who knew? Kinky floral sex in Central Vic!
[ now if I'd made that the title of this post, can you imagine the searches that would have thrown up?]
I love those tiny, delicate, little blooms and how they seem to be flourishing in such a rugged place. I am, of course, a fragile flower myself. This is why I am so appreciative...
....better watch that language, they will be classifying you in the adults only section.......!!!
I love the sun orchid - the petals are beautiful.
Great pictures. I love the way nature can constantly surprise and amaze, and that the most fragile things can exist in such an incongruous setting. So cool!
The miracle of nature with flowers coming back year after year, despite the heat, the cold, and the dry - and the goats!
lovely. I love flower photos and I love wild flowers. A winning combination.
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