It was hot and humid again, so much of the day was spent doing various 'vegging out inside activities with David, Bear and Nadie.
The television figured prominently
We have worked our way through Ironman, some Harry Potter, and now we are engaged in a Red Dwarf marathon of sorts [ but only till 9.30 cos I have to watch Mythbusters ]
It was far too humid to even contemplate being under a quilt-in-progress, and reading might have been construed as unsociable when DD is only up here for a couple of days.
Normally I'd say that knitting was just as unlikely as quilting, but the next project in the pipeline required working in cotton so I happily ignored the slowly growing miles of boring stocking stitch that may - by next football season - realise it's potential as a a Melbourne Footy Jumper for grandson Riley. I haven't photographed the new project yet, or even listed it on Ravelry, so I'll save that for the morrow [ which could well be a sad day as there is a funeral/memorial service to be sung at and I probably won't want to blog about that ]
so basically you're getting a few shots of the garden this week, taken before the inevitable heat damage and the downward spiral into summer ruin
Here against an unidentified pink daisy and Larkspur, the first of the Love-in-a-mist which started flowering only in the last couple of days.
I've been watching the delicate, feathery fronds grow larger for weeks, waiting for them to bud. Just love these flowers.

Pierre De Ronsard is just getting started but is absolutely covered in buds - dozens of them

Against a background of lavender and stock, the latest lot of iris - and I have NO IDEA who gave me these ones. They just appeared!

and this Fruhlingsmorgen (Spring morning) rose was a houswarming pressie - and again, I have no idea who from because there was no card. It was just there after the party.

Someone out there probably thinks I'm the rudest beggar in creation for not saying thankyou but I've asked all the likely suspects to no avail.
and lastly,these petunias were a single $2 pot bought last February - $2 well spent I'd say!!