Spring is waiting in the wings but Old Man Winter hasn't quite given in yet. He's a stubborn old beggar, quite capable of giving us freezing temps into October.
This morning's minimum temp was minus 1.9 C for the second day and it was a bracing .1 [ yup point one ] when I went out to chop firewood before breakfast in an attempt to resuscitate the fire which had almost, but not quite, expired during the night.
Once the sun came out it turned into the perfect [almost] Spring day, so after dance class this morning and a timely migraine tablet, I spent the afternoon milking Rosie, pulling umpty-gazillion weeds and admiring the new colours in the garden.

The irises are just days away from opening, the jonquils are out,

and today I found the first of the daffs.

I may have put Sophie's nose a wee bit out of joint the other day when I enthused to her about how limber her 'niece'
Suki is. I caught her surreptitiously practising her own version of feline yoga this morning. Not too bad for a middle aged moggy... and stretch that paw ... arch that spine ... and hold ... and
... relax.

this is what I knitted over the weekend when I should've been doing other quilty related stuff.
Hand dyed 4 ply [ fingering ] machine washable baby wool from Bendy.
3.25mm needles
started off with a vintage Patons pattern and then sort of went my own way - mainly because I wasn't paying attention - and repeated the lace pattern row an extra time and then decided 'what the hell' and just made the rest up as I went along.