This first strange looking offering is the amount of gold paint that migrated off the quilt top when I heat set it. I used Shiva Paintstick in antique gold, air dried and cured for 5 days and then ironed. I'm so glad this didn't get onto either the rest of the quilt or my iron.
Anyway, next I traced leaves from the tiger fabric , enlarged some of them, reversed some and then traced them onto Freezer Paper which was ironed onto the quilt top.I tried drawing around some with white pencil and some I just left in situ and machined around them. I preferred the sewing around the freezer paper, I think. I wasn't tooooooooooo precise because I actually wanted them to look individual [ like I'd designed more variations than I actually had ]
Then the entire background was filled in with stippling in various sizes, except for the lettering which I left unquilted ... in black on the darker areas, moving into mid honey colour and then tan/gold.
After all that work, it didn't win the challenge but that's ok because :
a] my friend Sylvia's exquisite celtic appliqued box deservedly did win
b] drumroll please....
I'm now going to be totally cool, calm and collected while I tell you all that Ginko [ aka the wedding quilt ] won the award for Best Use of Colour and Design...
Yippee... yahoo...blast.... drat...totally blew the attempt at coolness.
Okay, I'll admit it... I'm rapt... I love how this quilt turned out and I'm totally stoked that this is now it's second award. AND [ yes, I'm so excited I'm starting a sentence with a preposition ] the delightful Erica wants it and another for a future article for DownUnderQuilts.
If you haven't seen her before Gingko can be found in the archives at the very first entry.
As well as the certificate, I got a $50 voucher to spend at my favourite quilt shop in Bendigo ... Honeysuckle Patchwork ... which also just happens to be the shop where I teach.
After all this quilty excitement, I'm plum tuckered out so I'm going to sit down for a while ... I won't pick up my needles... honestly... there will be no fondling of yarn that has been so sorely neglected for the last three weeks ... I mean it ... really ... truly ...I'm only going to flick through that new magazine... and...
Congrats on the big win! Yea!! The tiger quilt is stunning. Really awesome - don't suppose you'd want to trade one for some kool-aid ;)
That would have to be a butt-load of Kool-Aid !
Congratulations!!! That's awesome!
As a winner, you have the right to yarn fondle, knit or read as you see fit. Its a rule. I read it somewhere...
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