... and now that I read that sentence again, it does occur to me that it is, perhaps, open to more than one interpretation ... erm ...
Obviously, I'm referring to the arachnid she's nether regions, not those belonging to my darling daughter
blathering on about knitting, quilting, spinning, crochet, my family, cats, goats, the dog, singing, clogging, and living in The Bush
Upsides, undersides, all sides of spiders that large give me the willies. I know they eat mosquitos and that I should love them but I find I can't get past appreciation.
Wow, that's pretty fascinating.
My poor DH, he hates spiders and gets the shudders just from pictures.
Donna, she's tiny, that's a macro shot :)
Its about the size of a fingernail
Those tricksy pronouns...
I like spiders. They eat the bugs I don't like.
But the deal is, they have to stay away from my face.
I am not a fan of spiders, but that is sort of cool! I think that viewing them from another continent takes away a lot of the fear...
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