Mind you, Ms Knit is severely displeased with me.
She expected to return to piles of finished woollies
what did she find ?
not a scrap!
By the time she had finished castigating me for the pathetic lack of sticks-and-string related activity, my membership in the Knitterly ranks was in serious danger of being stripped from my wilting shoulders. Oh the shame !
There was no help for it.
I had to re-establish my credentials asap.
A quick rummage in the depths of the UFO basket under the coffee table produced a vaguely familiar bit of feather-and-fan. I seem to remember starting it around New Years with the nebulous intention of it being some sort of trans-seasonal long sleeved shrug for Nadie.
When I actually got around to showing her what I'd started, she was somewhat less than enamoured with the colour [ a subdued sort of bluey, mauvy grey] and it ended up in time out.
So now it's going to be for me
The yarn is an aran weight Patons cotton blend that I originally bought - cheaply - at the local supermarket, and then added to when I found some more balls of the same dyelot going for a song at the Salvo Op Shop [ Thrift store ].
No pattern as such:
anyway for those who care about the specs
yarn - Patons Washed Haze Aran
needles - 6mm KP Harmony
No promises about how long it will take me to sew up the sleeve/side seams.
Can't rush these things.