Sometimes one just has to put one's paw down.
Now, it's well known that I am a benevolent ruler ... kind ... gentle ... fair ... and generally prepared to let Catsmum [ aka The Staff ] have her head when it comes to the contents of this blog but let's be honest
there's been a disinct lack of feli-centric reportage lately.
and today she's been dithering about whether this post should be about all that knitting she's been doing lately, or about nadie's quilting activities ...
so while she makes up what has been laughingly referred to as her mind, I have decided to step in and commandeer the keyboard for a post about my own craft activities.
My primary role as patented yarn tensioning device is well documented
but you may not be aware that I am also rather talented when it comes to 'sitting-on-the-lap-of-the person-trying-to-embroider'
and I have no idea how I ended up with this strange blank white box thingie in the post but The Staff can't seem to make it disappear .
Yes, it's hard to get good staff these days, isn't it Sophie?
You are such a helpful and clever crafter, Sophie! I like your post. :)
Hey you like sliding on the floor on those green blue and then the plastic shopping bags. Gee it is fun and the noise really brings the staff running.
By the old are you?
Are you sure you were not rescued in HC and taken to the look so much like my sister......
Grandma said "no" to two cats coming home so that is why I am (sobs) now an only child.
The benevolence of your rule is clearly reflected in the happiness of your subjects. Er, staff.
I haven't popped in in a bit, and look at all that has happened! A GORGEOUS baby boy, a new quilt, beautiful photos...
Congrats to you on the new arrival! Your kitty is lovely and I think you need to do as she says.
...yeah, and me trying to type my comment inside that blank, white box, doesn't say much for my - what's laughingly referred to as - mind (he, he, he) go kitty cat!!!
Oh your Royal Highness Sophie; I love helping my mum just as much as you. At the moment though I am the walking wounded trying to protect my property.
Do you have trouble with that silly dog of your staff? I do here. Silly thing just kept barking.
Maybe your staff would like to read you my latest ventures to the vets.
Owner of Rell and family
Such a long-suffering yarn-tensioning device!
A benevolent ruler indeed!
The Absurdly Gi-normous Kitty currently sitting on my right foot wants me to tell Sophie that she is doing a marvelous job keeping the staff in order. Should he have any further messages, I will let you know. I live to serve...
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