It was about 2 degrees when I got up this morning and the fire hadn't survived the night.

Still at least the rosellas were happy that the bird bath wasn't frozen and any winter day without a minus in front of the minimum temp is a good one in my view. The goats, however, are of the opinion that I should install central heating in the Caprine Palace aka the goat shed and as soon as possible please. Well, not so much Robbyn. She's part cashmere and shaggy enough to be mistaken for a perambulating Flokati rug, which does convey a certain degree of insulation but poor Rosie is a Saanan and not possessed of a very substantial coat.

This is the look of a singularly unimpressed pregnant doe.
NOT HAPPY, JAN ! [aussie pop culture reference - there's also an entry on Wikipedia but Blogger didn't feel like cooperating with the link for some reason but you can all go look it up ]
and at the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens

all that was missing was the Lady Of The Lake wielding Excalibur.

Now don't forget that you can enter my Blogiversary competition by leaving a comment about your current obsession[s]
here until August 4 and while you're at it , maybe go visit some of the other Bloggers who've commented afore ye.

this is the casserole I got you yesterday. Oakley and Sophie included purely for purposes of scale [ and cuteness ]
Oakley - What! no gravy!
Sophie - No, its YOUR turn to cook.
That's one ethereal looking lake you got goin' on there! It's like something out of Scooby Doo. A less literate reference, I realize. But, I'm on vacation and I used the word, "ethereal" so I feel that I should get some points for that. Plus, I like Scooby Doo cartoons.
Poor goats. Maybe the cats should make them a nice hot casserole of sorts?
"Look, watery bints lofting mystical swords from the middle of lakes in no basis for a system of government!"
Ahh, Python. Always appropriate!(even when paraphrased...)
The lake shots are marvelous; so atmospheric! Were you out for a stroll? What time of day was it?
about 9 am and 3 degrees. I drove into thick fog as I got into town and thought to myself that the lake would probably be worth a photo or two. So I went there with the express intention of taking atmospheric photos.
Great photos of the lake - glad you stopped by to take them and share with us!
Love the photos, and adore that white casserole. Hope the temperatures are a bit kinder this weekend - we'll be sleeping in our shed.
Wow, that casserole looks big enough for the cats to get into !!
Hope the temps aren't too icy this weekend.
Take care, stay warm, Meow
Gorgeous misty lake shots :-)
Are you as excited as I am about the Wool Show?!
Not many sleeps now!!
Hobbes is a "pound kitty". He and his brother Calvin both came from the Humane Society. Hobbes is a tabby mix and Calvin is supposed to be as well but he has no stripes, just silver grey fur. I have never had anything but domestic short hair pound cats. They are my buddies, which as you know can be just peachy im the summer!
Stunning photos! And a belated congrats on your 200th!
oh that is so lady of the lake, isn't it? I love it. Gosh you take some beautiful photos!
How I LOVE those photos of the lake in the gardens with the fog. Strangely enough, fog is just about my least favourite weather and yet from a photography point of view, it can be spectacular - completely changing the landscape.
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