Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nearly Finished ??

The 'Either-Very-Late-Or-Exceptionally-Early-Christmas-Strippy' is back from its sojourn to deepest darkest Bendigo, having thoroughly enjoyed it's stay with Jodi Abel of Daisy Patch Quilting.
As you can see, MissC has thoroughly CATscanned it,

and found it to be most acceptable to her refined tastes, and she is just waiting for the household staff, aka ME, to :

a] finish washing the green fabric for the binding [ which I've had forever, and already washed once but there was a distinct and pervasive odeur-de-chat so it's in the wash again ]

b] iron it

c] cut it into enough 2.5" strips to go around the quilt

d] join them together and iron 'em in half lengthwise

e] Machine sew to the front of the quilt, making nice neat mitres at the corners, and an imperceptable join where it all meets up again

and finally

f] Hand sew 30 odd feet of binding to the back

so I guess we all know what the rest of this week holds for Catsmum, eh?

and with no attempt at a clever segue whatsoever, here's just a glimpse of the gift that's going into the mail tomorrow

yes, yes

I know

it's another Forest Canopy Shawl

I'll spare you the details*

*unless you really want to know


  1. ok Miss Sophie just stop that show off look of satisfaction over Miss Moggie just because your Mum finished her Christmas quilt before Moggie's Mum has sewn all her doilies down.....and then sashed...but we nearly made it with blue Christmas....and had we known about it we just might have put skates on......but Miss Moggies Mum tends to be a bit on the lazy side compared to your Mum. That's the life of a cat.

  2. The quilting is exquisite! The quilt came out so well.

    I love the bright pink of the shawl. What a cheerful color.

  3. Donna Lee said it all.

    That's a lot of handstitching but it will be so worth it.

  4. The quilt is lovely.

    Thanks for scaring me off binding!! LOL

  5. Technically it's not finished until the bindings done, so if you put that off for a bit you can sidestep the question of it being late for last Christmas and just have it as this years Christmas quilt :) Very nice quilting btw.

  6. lol! Yes, I would like to know the details of the FCS! The yarn color is gorgeous! Your quilt is so beautiful. One of these days I've got to start sewing again!

  7. That's one awesome quilt. I love the spirally top stitching. Beautiful!
