Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are you quite finished ?

Can I go now, please?


  1. oh I have so much fun bathing our dogs as we have 4 of them..But hey the look on your dogs face doe's not say please to me..hehehe
    cheers Vickie

  2. Hmm, yes, he looks less than impressed!

    Was that his reward for keeping foxes at bay? LOL

  3. Anonymous1:35 am

    Awww, poor Bear :( I have never known a dog who would roll in the filthiest, stinkiest puddle he could find but still hated to take a bath.

    Was it just ordinary bath time or did he run afoul of a skunk or some other aromatic creature?

  4. Oh those expressive eyebrows!

  5. Hi Robbyn - no we don't get skunks here in OZ, thank goodness - this was just an ordinary "been outside, playing in the dust with the other dogs, rolling in goat poop" type bath

  6. Anonymous10:03 am

    Poor thing - he looks so sad!

  7. Awww...poor baby! He looks so sad. It would probably not have been a good time to point out that doggies who stay clean don't need to have baths...

    I also doubt that this observation would change a single thing.

  8. Poor baby! My dog hates her bath but loves how she feels when it's over. She runs around the living room til she wears herself out.
    Nothing like a clean dog!!

  9. Awww... precious! I am getting so clucky for a puppydog of our own again. Thanks for the cute pics :)

  10. Anonymous12:31 am

    Come on Bear....get used to bareing it all......thems who shares beds have to share baths.
    Moggie girl has one coming up, but she is a nut who loves water...just hates being dried.
    Think you hate that a bit too by the look of it.

  11. aw - poor little bear!!
