Tuesday, February 27, 2007


If you have a good memory, you may remember THIS quilt:

which I finished last October.

You may also remember, if your memory is really, really, really good, that it was made as a sort of sibling for the one I made Beryl for a certain significant birthday in aught six... of which there was never any photographic proof.

For all you know, I could've been making it up, right? That quilt might have just been a figment of my vivid imagination. After all, almost no one over here got to see it finished. Maybe I DID make it up.


Here 'tis. Beryl's quilt and mine for almost side-by-side comparison.

Pretty much the same cuts of the same fabrics, different positioning, and of course, different kanji. Hers says friend. [ cos she is ] and mine says peace.

and I'm a happy little vegemite because Beryl is over from tassie at the moment and coming up on the train tomorrow for four-and-a-half days.


  1. My love to Beryl, and tell her next time she's staying 2mins down the road from me she can bloody well come have a cuppa!

  2. Hey Sue, my emails to you are boucing (no response from your ISP).

    Can you email me an alternate email addy?
